An Overview of the Top Dropshipping Companies in the UK 

An Overview of the Top Dropshipping Companies in the UK 

Dropshipping is a great way to start an eCommerce business without having to invest in stock or storage space. All you need to do is source the right supplier and you can quickly set up your online shop with minimal effort. With so many dropshipping companies operating in the UK, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for your business. Here’s a breakdown of the top dropshipping companies in the UK.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

If you’re looking for an established, reliable dropshipping company, then Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) should be at the top of your list. This service from Amazon allows you to store your inventory in their networked fulfillment centers and have them ship out products directly to customers on your behalf. The advantage of this setup is that Amazon handles all shipping and customer service inquiries for you, leaving you with more time to focus on marketing and growing your business. It’s also worth noting that FBA offers great discounts for businesses that are registered as part of its Marketplace program.


Modalyst is another popular option for those looking for a reliable dropshipping partner in the UK. This platform allows you to source products from hundreds of different brands around the world, including some big names like Nike, Adidas, and Puma. You can also access real-time inventory updates so that you never run out of stock or oversell items that aren’t available. On top of this, Modalyst offers low minimum order quantities and fast delivery times, making it ideal for small businesses starting out with dropshipping.

Dropship Direct

Dropship Direct is another great choice if you’re looking for a reliable drop shipper in the UK. This company has been operating since 2003 and has built up relationships with more than 900 suppliers across Europe, allowing them to offer a wide range of products at competitive prices. The platform also provides detailed product information including images and descriptions which helps make setting up your online store easier than ever before. Plus, Dropship Direct offers low minimum order requirements and fast shipping times so that customers never have to wait too long for their orders to arrive!


Dropshipping is a great way to get started with eCommerce without having too much upfront investment or risk involved—and there are plenty of options when it comes to finding a reliable partner in the UK! Whether you choose Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), Modalyst, or Dropship Direct depends largely on what type of products you want to sell and how quickly you need them delivered to customers. Whichever service you decide on though, they will help make setting up your online store easy while providing great value and reliability so that your customers always get what they ordered quickly!