Dark Gums: What Causes This Condition And How Is It Treated?

Dark Gums: What Causes This Condition And How Is It Treated?

It may not be very well known, but hundreds of thousands of people have black gums also known as gum hyperpigmentation. As the name suggests, the most common symptom is dark black spots or blotches on the gums.

Dealing With Dark Gums:

If you have dark gums, it can be really hard to feel confident about your smile. In fact, you may even find yourself avoiding smiling in public or keeping your mouth closed in photos. Unfortunately, black gums are very common among Asian Americans; as many as 50% of people with East Asian heritage will experience them at some point in their life. Even if you’re not a part of that population, though, you might still be susceptible—some conditions (like vitamin deficiency) can make teeth appear darker than usual without causing any issues. Treatments for dark gums typically involve bleaching agents that reduce skin pigmentation; it may take several treatments to see results but they should become less noticeable over time.

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Treatment Options:

Some people with gum hyperpigmentation may have sensitivity to certain types of toothpaste. If you’re experiencing any symptoms, it is a good idea to check out your dental hygiene routine for potential culprits. Toothpaste with Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) can cause irritation or sensitivity in some patients—and if your gums are already sensitive, they could be exacerbating your situation. If you’re dealing with dark spots on your gums, a non-irritating toothpaste may be an easy fix. To determine which ingredients might be causing problems, switch up one product at a time until you find something that works without contributing to your gum hyperpigmentation problem.

Keeping It Under Control:

If you want to prevent dark gums, it’s important to watch your diet. Sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to bacterial overgrowth in your mouth which means more plaque build-up on your teeth. That, in turn, can cause decay and dark spots on your gums. For example, a glass of juice or sweetened coffee could bump your overall calorie intake by as much as 800 calories. To lose weight safely but quickly, switch to a sugar-free diet and keep an eye on portions! You should also be flossing regularly because dental care is extremely important when trying to get rid of black gums or any kind of gum disease for that matter!