How to maintain the PgMP prep course credential: A look at the ongoing requirements for certification renewal?

How to maintain the PgMP prep course credential: A look at the ongoing requirements for certification renewal?

The PgMP Certification, one of the top qualifications in project and program management, is provided by the PMI (Program Management Institute). The PMP (Project Management Professional) credential is followed by this one. The PgMP prep course, however, cannot be prepared solely by reading a few books, unlike the PMP Certification exam. 

In actuality, one must demonstrate both program management experience and familiarity with several program management tenets. There are only about 3000 PgMP specialists worldwide compared to about a million PgMP-certified professionals because the PgMP has higher standards. You can think about the following advice on EDUHUBSPOT as you prepare for the PgMP Exam.

Check out the PgMP Exam Prep Workshops

PgMP test preparation seminars are a wonderful option if you require more one-on-one time or prefer a classroom environment. In addition to networking through a PMI® membership, these are fantastic ways to meet other aspiring project management professionals in your neighbourhood. Another advantage of these workshops is that they typically satisfy the requirements listed by The PMI and serve as a requirement for applying to take the PgMP exam.

Workshops for PgMP Exam Preparation Online

pgmp prep course

There are also several online PgMP prep course available. These online training programs typically cost less than traditional workshops. Choose the one that best suits your learning preferences. Make a lot of comparison shopping and study reviews before deciding on one.

Utilize the PgMP Exam Simulator Online

Best Online PgMP Exam Practice Tests are provided by PgMP Exam Simulators. With questions that follow the same pattern as the PgMP exam, they put the applicant through their paces. To help you get used to the timing and intensity of exams, they also try to recreate the exam setting. They’re a great way to gauge your level of readiness.

Recall your flash cards

Flashcards, whether printed or digital, are a practical, affordable, and time-tested approach to preparing for the PgMP exam. Downloadable flashcards can be printed or browsed through on a computer or smartphone. Making your flashcards can also be a huge assistance when you’re studying.

Participate in discussion forums and study groups

You can benefit greatly from study groups and message boards as you get ready for the PgMP certification exam. You may help others pass the exam, get answers to your concerns and questions, learn more about a range of useful resources, and shorten the time it takes to study for the exam by becoming an active member of study groups and discussion boards.

A lot of practice with the proper and pertinent questions and exams

Many people start practicing as soon as they encounter any kind of inquiry. Once you understand the real structure and layout of the exam, you should be able to tell the difference between questions that are important and relevant and those that are not.

You’ll discover that a lot of the questions are brief, easy to understand, and simple as you practice. Others might be more challenging and time-consuming. Both questions based on formulas and questions based on scenarios can be found. To be equally as good in both settings, practice as many pertinent questions as possible.

Organize your time well

In addition to being an effective project manager, you must also be skilled in time management. It enhances your abilities, plans, and the execution of those plans. While taking the PgMP Exam, there are two areas where time management is required. First, while preparing, and then, when taking the test.

In addition to being an excellent program management professional, you must also be a skilled time manager. It enhances your abilities, plans, and the execution of those plans. While taking the PgMP exam, there are two areas where time management is required. First, while preparing, and then, when taking the test

If you plan your preparation by the study schedule, you may always stay on track and finish chores on time. If you have practiced a lot of questions and taken mock exams, it will be simpler for you to manage your time during the actual exam.

Keeping your PgMP certification updated

First of all, congrats. You succeeded. Obtaining your PgMP certification is not simple. Less than 4500 PgMP professionals exist in the world; becoming one is no easy task. Once you’ve done that, be careful to take precautions to maintain the credential’s validity.

To keep your certification status active after receiving your PgMP Credential, you must take part in the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program. The PgMP credential is valid for three years after which time you must apply for a renewal. The CCR cycle is another name for these three years. Holders of PgMP credentials are encouraged by the CCR program to continue their education and professional development.

Every three years, you must obtain 60 professional development units (PDUs) to keep your PgMP active.

The ability to earn Professional Development Units (PDUs) by participation in professional development and learning events enables certification holders to continue their professional development while also expanding and improving their practitioner skills.

PgMP Exam Pattern

There are 170 multiple-choice questions in the PgMP® test. Twenty of the 170 questions are regarded as pretest questions and are not graded. Four hours are allocated for finishing the computer-based Test.

Benefits of Certification in Program Management

There are numerous advantages to the certification. Here are a few of them:

Evidence of Professional Success

an improvement in academic knowledge

Greater Career Opportunities

A Better Path to Growth for Managers

Opportunities in larger enterprises and developed countries become available.


Motivation has always been the most important factor. To stay motivated and not give up, you must do so throughout the entire process. You must remind yourself that no matter what happens, you will remain confidential.

It doesn’t matter whether you run into the trickiest ideas or issues as long as you’re driven to try and succeed. If you let demotivation control you, you’ll lose.


Q1 Can a CAPM apply?

Ans: Yes, given that they fulfil the conditions.

Q2 How is the multiple-choice test structured?

Ans:  The test is given all around the world using computer-based testing. Paper-based testing will be made available in regions of the world where computer-based testing is not available.

There are 170 questions on the test. Four hours will be allotted to the candidates to finish the test. Twenty of the questions are pre-test (or ungraded) questions that are scattered at random throughout the exam.