The Best Way to Prevent Neck and Shoulder Pain While Sleeping

The Best Way to Prevent Neck and Shoulder Pain While Sleeping

shoulder and pain can be one of the worst feelings in the world, and they can interfere with your daily life to the point where you’re not sure how to move your head without pain.

It’s no wonder that over 80% of adults have had some kind of neck or shoulder pain, and almost 40% have experienced problems in both regions. Luckily, there are several steps you can take before you go to bed to prevent these kinds of problems from happening in the first place.


Sleeping in the wrong position can lead to neck and shoulder pain. If you experience this type of pain, try sleeping on your side with a pillow under your head, on your stomach between your legs, or your back with two pillows under the small of your back. You may also want to visit a dr essa laboratory for a neck and shoulder checkup.

A great night’s sleep can be hard to come by if you experience pain in your neck and shoulders while sleeping. While the pain might not wake you up, it will prevent you from feeling refreshed when you rise in the morning, making it impossible to enjoy all that the day has to offer.

You may not think too much about your body position or the type of pillow you use while sleeping. But both your sleeping position and your pillow can lead to neck stiffness, back pain, and other types of pain.

Research suggests that sleep problems may be the root cause of up to 5 percent of new cases of chronic pain. Many of these factors are controllable, which means that by making a few changes you can reduce your neck pain and other types of pain.

The following tips will help you achieve comfort as you sleep so that you can wake up well-rested and ready to take on whatever comes your way.


Many people experience neck or shoulder pain when they sleep. The strain of lying on your back can lead to stiffness, soreness, and even muscle spasms in the neck. On the other hand, sleeping on your side can lead to pain in the shoulder. There are a few ways you can prevent these common problems from happening.


 1) Choosing a good pillow

  • Choose a pillow that is the same height as your neck when you are lying down. A pillow that is too high or too low will affect your neck alignment, which can cause pain.
  • Avoid using a pillow with fabric cases, such as a decorative sham. It’s best to sleep on cotton sheets or an old t-shirt.
  • Keep pillows off of your head by placing them under your neck instead.
  • Be aware of how you sleep on your side vs. on your back; some people need more support than others depending on their sleeping style.
  • If you’re still experiencing pain after adjusting these factors, see a doctor for a neck and shoulder checkup.

2) Adjustable beds

  1. Adjustable beds can be adjusted in multiple ways, so you can make the bed more comfortable for your neck, back, shoulders and hips. 7. There are also adjustable beds that have a heating or cooling system which can help relax your muscles before you sleep. 8.

If you’re not sure what type of adjustable bed will work best for your needs, consult with a doctor or other medical professional about their opinion on the matter. 9. Adjustable beds are often more expensive than traditional mattresses, but if you don’t want to deal with neck and shoulder pain anymore it may be worth the cost! 10.

3) Getting into the sleeping position

When you’re asleep, the weight of your head can push your neck into a bent position. So if you’ve been sitting hunched over for hours or slouching in front of the TV, it’s important to do a neck and shoulder checkup before bed. If your neck feels sore, start by using a pillow at an angle that reduces the pressure on it.

If you still feel uncomfortable after that, try tilting your head sideways and resting it on the arm of the chair or sofa rather than leaving it hanging down. Finally, if this doesn’t work either, sleep with a pillow under your head as well as one between your knees or pull up a towel in between them while lying on your back.

4) Adjusting sleeping positions while in bed

Here are some adjustments you can make while in bed to relieve neck and shoulder pain:

  • Place a pillow under your knees when lying on your side. This will allow your neck, spine, shoulders, hips, legs, and feet to align properly. You should also place a pillow behind the small of your back if you’re lying on your stomach.
  • Keep a pillow between the knees when lying on the back with one or two pillows under the head for support.
  • If you sleep on your stomach with no pillow between the knees, place one or two pillows under each arm.
  • If you sleep sitting up in bed with a pillow behind your back for support, use an extra pillow behind the head for additional support as needed

5) Stretching before sleep

If you find that your neck or shoulders are sore in the morning, try stretching out your muscles before bed. Stretching will loosen up the muscle fibers, making them more pliable and ready for a good night’s sleep. To relieve your pain you can visit any pharmacy like the best online pharmacy in Pakistan. Do these stretches every day for about five minutes each:

  1. Neck Stretch
  2. Arm Rotation Stretch
  3. Chest Stretch
  4. Back Stretch


You’re probably aware that you should always sleep on your side, either on your back or on your side with an arm under your pillow. But you may not know why this position helps prevent pain in the neck and shoulder area. This article will provide you with some insight into why sleeping on your side while keeping your arms to the side of your body can help relieve pain in this area, as well as other preventative measures you can take to avoid neck and shoulder pain while sleeping.