Unveiling the Reasons Why Most People Fail to Complete CA

Unveiling the Reasons Why Most People Fail to Complete CA

The Chartered Accountancy (CA) course is the dream of every budding professional intending to pursue the course in India. However, the procedure to achieve the designation of CA is challenging and several students drop off before they can complete the course. Yet, people are willing to take up the CA course because it promises a prestigious career assisted by a good package income, though the course offers several challenges that make it impossible for many to overcome them. In this detailed look into the likelihood of CA dropout, we outline the core causes why most students don’t finish CA, and tips that any interested candidate can use.


Reason 1: The Daunting CA Course Duration


The CA course duration is traditionally one of the longest, which continues for four to five years, including the articles. The fact that the course spans a long number of weeks and can sometimes be many months long is a cause for concern because students can easily be overwhelmed by the fact that they need to make constant attempts and that would not be easy since it has taken them this many weeks to make one attempt alone. This course must be completed within two years and thus requires discipline, determination, and efficient time management skills – issues that the students are likely to face especially if they are not privileged to work under proper guidance.


Reason 2: Overwhelming Syllabus and Vast Curriculum


CA curriculum is exhaustive and it comprises numerous subjects that deal with accounting, taxation, auditing, corporate laws, etc. The amount of information a student has to grasp is daunting, especially for those students who do not know how to study or those who have poor basic skills in fundamental academic courses. Due to coverage of large syllabi, additional practices and engagements, or even jobs, may prove very difficult to balance, resulting in the student’s early dropout.


Reason 3: Tough Pattern of Examination


The CA examinations are rather challenging to pass, one has to master the material inside and out, as well as acquire practical skills. The examinations not only simulate ordinary classes where the student can freely answer a question or justify an argument but also simulate the pressures of tests and exams whereby a student is limited in time in which he/she is required to respond to questions. Social stress due to examination failures as well as consequent dropout rates make students drop out of school mainly because of the competitiveness of examinations.


Reason 4: Lack of Adequate Support and Mentorship


The CA course is a lonely journey for many students and when they go through this journey without a proper guide, it becomes even lonely. Thus, it is significant to understand that without proper support, a student may fail to stay afloat in the circumstances to define efficient learning methods or to get the stimulus that will help to continue the work in easy ways. Lack of support greatly limits the achievement of learning objectives in the CA course among students.


Reason 5: Financial Constraints


CA education is not only a time-consuming process and a strenuous task to do but also financially exhaustive. The financial factor can be a huge barrier; anything from fees for university tuition and books to article expenses and exam fees can be costly. This may be due to financial challenges that some students encounter during their studies and therefore they engage in other activities like working and this affects their concentration towards CA goals.


Reason 6: Lack of Proper Time Management and Prioritization


Such learning skills as the ability to work on time and differentiate what is important are essential for the CA course. Due to the number of subjects that a student needs to complete, article obligations, and even personal errands, it becomes fairly complicated. Lack of focus on books and /or time management inevitably leads to an accumulation of homework that has to be done; the more one postpones the work, the harder it becomes to complete it and the consequences are either dropping out or failing.


Reason 7: Psychological and Emotional Challenges


The CA course is not only a course in academicians but it is also a course that gathers and challenges the mental strength and emotional stability of the student. These pressure levels, extended study time, and failure rates affect the psychological health of a student. Stress, anxiety, and burnout are catchy feelings among CA aspirants, failure to which they may give up the course due to the above labels.


Strategies for Success


The difficulties that tend to be associated with the completion of the CA course, therefore, though not very inefficient, are achievable. By implementing the following strategies, aspiring CAs can increase their chances of success: The following strategies can help when aspiring to become CAs and this consequently increase the chances of success:


  1. Develop a Structured Study Plan: CA COURSE TIMETABLE Preparing a feasible study timetable for the CA Course indicating the time taken to complete the course, important subjects, and the number of study hours to be spent. It is also important to glance over the given plan and then adjust it if needed.


  1. Seek Mentorship and Support: The following were felt: 2. The recommendation or suggestion, made to the candidates in the three departments as shown above, was the second factor that was felt by the research study. The following strategy can be useful to implement the recommendation: it is important to mobilize the cooperation of other CAs who have certain previous experience or other graduates, who have successful careers, to navigate the way. Another way of achieving a supportive environment for learning is participating in a study with other students or other words being in a study group.


  1. Adopt Effective Study Techniques: Discover various techniques of learning in a group, such as active recall technique, spaced rep technique, and practice questions to enhance one’s learning and ability to memorize such an enormous amount of syllabi in CA.


  1. Prioritize Time Management: Gain organizational skills and specifically attempt to develop the ones concerning time concerning the precedence of tasks. Reduce or eradicate interpersonal unwanted activities and insistence on time usage, adequate time is spent to attend to personal needs as well as entertainment so that a proper work and play proportion is maintained.


  1. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: My first word for business leaders is to embrace failure because it forms an important part of the learning and accumulation of experience to be used in the formulation of better strategies for the business in the future. Similar to when a similar approach is used to classify the experiences as positive and negative, do not forget to leave out the small nasty details and do not let them blind you to cumulative success.


  1. Address Psychological and Emotional Challenges: However, if the stress, anxiety, or burnout factor is Over then it is always advisable to get the help of a counselor or a psychologist. Therefore, one should use rest methods, a workout program, or other efficient measures to be mentally healthy.


  1. Explore Financial Assistance Options: It is also necessary to identify the options of delivering scholarships, grants, or educational credits to reduce the level of burden. It will be advisable to consider other flexible part-time, vacation, or freelance jobs that can be carried out without compromising on study at CA.




In conclusion, one can mention that it is not easy to complete the CA course, though, it is possible, if certain approaches and hard work are used. To sum up, several indisputable truths regarding the usual constants for CAs’ failure can be seen, and taking into consideration the information in this article, potential CAs could escape from the majority of pitfalls and, thereby, bring the rate of failure down. People often forget that the journey to transform an individual into a Chartered Accountant can be rife with difficulties and could be long, but it is worth it.


How long in weeks does it take to complete the course and acquire the Certificate of Competence in Adult Numeracy CA?


The CA course normally lasts on average about the periods of articled training of four to five years.


Can a candidate join a job while preparing for the CA, that is, try for a job and at the same time prepare for the CA exams?


Yes, a person can work while doing CA but he or she should be willing to sacrifice a lot of time to study to be in a position to work.


Can I do CA through distance mode?


To a certain extent, no; Distance education cannot be used to fully complete the CA course because it has compulsory classroom training as well as articleship.